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Working with Email

Catching emails in development

In the studio, you can enable relaying email to a specified SMTP endpoint.

HELO and mailtrap are easy SMTP endpoints to set up for development that provide UIs for reviewing emails sent to all recipients. When emails are configured to be relayed to these services, they will be trapped for review and never actually delivered to anyone externally, no matter what recipients you use. As opposed to overriding recipient emails to test email features, this approach enables you to verify that personalized bulk emails send the right content to the right recipients.

Using HELO

  1. Download and open the HELO app
  2. Launch studio, run start-all
  3. Install and activate postfix email backend:

  4. Configure postfix email backend to relay to EHLO app on Docker host machine:

    enable-email-relay host.docker.internal 2525 studio

    Or, using mailtrap:

    enable-email-relay 2525 mailtrapusername mailtrappassword

Sending a test email

From the studio:

  1. Install netcat:

    hab pkg install --binlink core/netcat
  2. Open SMTP connection:

    nc localhost 25
  3. Start SMTP session:

    EHLO localhost.localdomain
  4. Set sender:

    MAIL FROM: <>
  5. Set recipient:

    RCPT TO: <>
  6. Set message:

    Subject: Hello world!
    This is the body of my email.
    Have a good day.
  7. Close SMTP session:

  8. Review postfix backend log:

    less -S /hab/cache/sys.log