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Student Competency Functions ΒΆ

Method Name Description Output
getDemonstrationsData Get demonstrations, grouped by SkillID and ordered by DemonstrationDate and DemonstrationID Array of demonstrations
getDemonstrationOpportunities Equal to the total amount of non-Override demonstrations found in getDemonstrationsData Array of demonstrations
sortDemonstrations Demonstrations are sorted by their ID Array of demonstrations
sortEffectiveDemonstrations Sort demonstrations by DemonstratedLevel, or by the sortDemonstrations method if the demonstrations have the same DemonstratedLevel Array of demonstrations
getEffectiveDemonstrationsData Sort getDemonstrationsData via sortEffectiveDemonstrations. Reduce the number of demonstrations to the amount of demonstrations required for the respective Level. Sort the demonstrations again via sortDemonstrations Array of demonstrations
getDemonstrationsLogged Get demonstrations via getEffectiveDemonstrationsData. Exclude Overrides and records that do not have a DemonstratedLevel. Total of demonstrations found
getDemonstrationsMissed Get demonstrations via getEffectiveDemonstrationsData. Exclude Overrides and records that have a DemonstratedLevel Total of demonstrations found
getDemonstrationsComplete Get demonstrations via getEffectiveDemonstrationsData. If DemonstratedLevel is set, Increase the total by 1. If record is an Override, Increase the total by the amount of demonstrations required for the respective Skill Level (via Skill::getDemonstrationsRequiredByLevel()). If the Demonstration is an Override, equal to the the amount of skills required for that demonstration. Total of demonstrations completed
getDemonstrationsAverage Equal to the total of DemonstratedLevel for demonstrations via getEffectiveDemonstrations that are not an Override, divided by the amount of demonstrations via getDemonstrationsLogged. (There must be at least one demonstration logged.) Average DemonstratedLevel for demonstrations
getDemonstrationsRequired Get demonstrations required for the respective Competency and Level Total of demonstrations required
getMinimumAverage Get minimum average rating for the respective Level. This can be implemented in the following ways. Implementation will vary based on Slate configuration. Either: Hard-coded array of Levels mapped to the custom Minimum Average OR Hard-coded function that can determine the Minimum Average based on the StudentCompetency OR Hard-coded Minimum Average value. Minimum Average Rating
getMinimumRating Get minimum rating for the respective Level. This can be implemented in the following ways. Implementation will vary based on Slate configuration. Either: Hard-coded array of Levels mapped to the custom Minimum Rating OR Hard-coded function that can determine the Minimum Rating based on the StudentCompetency OR Hard-coded Minimum Rating value Minimum Rating
isLevelComplete Determine if the respective Level is completed by: Getting the total of demonstrations (Evidence Required) for the respective Competency and confirming that The amount of demonstrations completed (via getDemonstrationsCompleted) is greater than or equal to the amount of Evidence Required AND The average demonstration rating (via getDemonstrationsAverage) is greater than or equal to the minimum average (via getMinimumAverage) AND All ratings (via getEffectiveDemonstrations) are above the minimum rating (via getMinimumRating). Custom Level Is Complete function that determines if the level is completed for the given StudentCompetency Implementation will vary based on Slate configuration. True or False