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Teacher Task Dashboard

Create a Task

  • Teachers can create a task in the teacher task interface.
  • Optionally, creators of tasks can add them to the task database for future use by others by selecting a check box in the task creation window.

Assign a Task

  • Assigning a task is done by student with the option in the UI to assign to the current roster of a section.
  • If a student is added to section after the task has been assigned, that task is not automaically assigned to them and the teacher must select the blank cell in the grid and assign it to that student by hand.
  • In the Title bar, previous tasks are searchable by name and show the date created as well as the creator
  • After selecting an existing task, teachers can override the details of that task for a given section without editing the task in the task database.

Evaluate a Task

  • Teachers can evaluate a task at any time (even if not yet submitted by students)
  • The interface indicates when a student has submitted or resubmitted a task and whether it is one time or late

Status of a Task

  • The following states are possible and visually distinct in the interface
  • Not Assigned
  • Due
  • Needs Rated
  • Completed
  • Revision Assigned
  • Revision Needs Rated
  • Past Due
  • Late Needs Rated