The Cycle

Matchbook Model

Spark implements the learning model pioneered by Matchbook Learning at Merit Preparatory Charter School in Newark, New Jersey. Originally implemented via a magnetic GPS board and collections of Google Forms and resources in Canvas in what was known as Spark 1.0, "Spark 2.0" reperesents the initial comprehensive digitization of this project by Jarvus Innovations.

In each classroom, students work with the teachers' oversight and collaboration two advance through the 4 phases of Spark's learning cycle for each Sparkpoint.

  • Learn: The student selects and studies from a provided bank of learning content.
  • Conference: The student discusses what they've learn with peers, completes a worksheet, and consults with a teacher before advancing.
  • Apply: The student selects and completes a project
  • Assess: The students completes an online assessment

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